When it comes to travel and outdoor communications, John Poimiroo has done it all. 

Now retired, John’s consultancy, Poimiroo & Partners (P&P), was a virtual agency that utilized John’s expertise and, when appropriate, “partners” who are equally accomplished independent specialists.

P&P provided senior expertise at all levels of planning and execution for a broad range of marketing communications needs, including: marketing, public relations and publicity, crisis communications, strategic planning, brand development, advertising, economic and market research, tourism funding solutions (i.e., Tourism Improvement Districts and marketing orders), travel photography, travel trade development, graphic design, facilitation, collateral development, website development and refinement and social media.

In 2013, P&P began adjusting its mix of clientele and work, voluntarily reducing its mix of marketing communications and PR clientele and shifting to travel writing, reporting, blogging and photojournalism. P&P is no longer accepting ongoing marcom clients. 

Until 2023, most of John’s work hours were spent editing and publishing CaliforniaFallColor.com which he founded in 2009. California Fall Color was honored times over, as California’s best outdoor medium and best outdoor Internet site. In 2022, John received a Lowell Thomas Travel Journalism award for the site. Though, he sold the site to journalist Lara Kaylor in ’23. John continues to write freelance pieces for East West News Service and the Mountain Democrat (California’s oldest newspaper). He previously contributed travel articles to several media.

John has received over 70 awards and honors in his long career, including: the California Travel Industry Association’s lifetime achievement award, the F. Norman Clark Tourism Champion of the Year; US Travel’s Best State Tourism Director (California); California Outdoor Writer of the Year (twice); California Outdoors Hall of Fame, California Tourism Hall of Fame; University of Colorado Chancellor’s Tourism Award; the Society of American Travel Writers’ Bill Muster Bronze award for Cultural Photography (Wenzhou Brides) and its Lowell Thomas Travel Journalism Award for CaliforniaFallColor.com.

John is a member of the Society of American Travel Writers,  Outdoor Writers Association of California, and a member of the Circle of Chiefs selecting inductees to the California Outdoors Hall of Fame.  He retired at the rank of Captain in 1996, following 30 years active and reserve service as a Navy Cryptologist. He is Patrol Director of the American River Bike Patrol and a ski patroller at Donner Ski Ranch.